Sorry for the delay in uploading blog but we have been away from Wi-Fi.
We spent 3 weeks at the Clearwater campground in Ortonville, MI, as a sort of ‘Maiden Voyage’ in our new home. Everything seemed to go just fine and we learned a lot about RV living – hooking and unhooking the truck, emptying holding tanks, etc. We also learned that most everyone we meet are friendly.

Sept. 18 &19th
We left Michigan on the 18th headed for Volo Illinois to say our goodbyes to Mary’s niece and her family.
As usual, we dreaded the Chicago tollway traffic especially hauling an 8-ton 5th wheel. We made it safe and sound without Mary needing any tranquilizers, to the Fish Lake Campgrounds and experienced some first time set up issues but these were quickly remedied. It rained all night but Sat. dawned with plenty of sunshine and warm weather. All in all we had a nice visit with Kismet & her family.
Sept. 20th
Sunday dawned a bright sunny day for traveling. Our destination was La Crosse, Wis. and the Pettibone Resort on the Mississippi. We took a route that would afford us many miles of traveling along the Mississippi and it was a lovely trip.

Campfire and pizza, looking at the river and a couple adult beverages, ended the day and an early lights out as we were both pooped.
Sept. 21st
Another bright sunny day and we are off to my home town of Eau Claire about 2 hours away, to visit my parents’ grave, pay my respects, and take a trip down memory lane. Needless to say, 51 years away from someplace yielded a lot of change. The hilly scenic farmland topography was spectacular. We have decided to stay here at Pettibone another day and hopefully play some golf and get out on the Mississippi for an excursion.
Our only serious issue so far is the mosquitos. Mary and Tom’s feet and legs look as though we were goalies for a dart team. We are trying everything we can think of to ease the itching and avoid more bites, but so far with very limited results. Stay tuned…..
Sept. 22nd
Another great day here in La Crosse. We played a lovely golf course today that has some unique features. First of all the 123 year old Forest Hills golf course, is situated at the foot of Grandad Bluff and surrounded by foothills. The most unique feature is the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railway that runs smack dab right through the course. We only played nine holes and a total of 6 lengthy trains passed through during our hour and a half round.
After our round, we made the trek to the top of Grandad Bluff. What a panoramic view! Photo’s attached. Interesting facts, during the last ice age 30,000 years ago, the western part of Wisconsin was left untouched by the receding glacier leaving places like Grandad Bluff and the rocky and mountain-like features along the Mississippi.
Tomorrow we are on our way to South Dakota traveling most of the day across Minnesota.
Seem to have the mosquito problem solved!