Well, we have reached the mid-point in our South Texas stay. We are here until March 31st and then we head north again. This summer we are going to be at the Woodland Trails RV Resort in Ogemaw, Minnesota. We’ll be workamping again, with some outside maintenance duties and some inside customer service duties. Mary and I are excited about this for a number of reasons: Mary has childhood friends with a cottage near Detroit Lakes, less than a half hour from Woodland Hills; it is a smaller resort. Llano Grande is really complete but it will be nice to spend the summer at a smaller, quieter park; we are both “northerners” so we will enjoy being back up there for awhile.

We celebrated Mary’s XX birthday (or as she calls it, sinking deeper into seniorhood) on the 15th at Papadeaux Cajun restaurant in Pharr. Of course, we had soft-shelled crab on dirty rice, followed by bread pudding souffle topped with ice cream and bourbon sauce. Heaven! She also decided to go over to “the dark side” by getting a 7″ Tablet as a book reader. Those who know her are probably shocked since she loves paper books and an electronic reader for her is almost sacrilegious, but she loves it.
A couple weeks ago, we were surprised and delighted by a visit from Todd and Cathy Brady. Todd was the fellow that bought Techbusters. We went to a couple local Mexican restaurants and of course took them to Nuevo Progresso, Mexico, which is about 5 miles away. We did the tourist thing and they came away with a few treasures. We are happy they stopped to see us in their trip through the south.

Tomorrow we head for South Padre Island and a Segway tour.