Summer marches on and as this post is being written, we are just finishing up the July 4th weekend here on Strawberry Lake. Lots of kids, swimmers, kids, fishing, kids, skiers, kids, jet skis, and did I mention lots of kids. Everyone seems to have had an enjoyable and safe weekend . Everyone has tried their best to make use of the 3 beautiful days we’ve had and go home tired out! We are lucky that, at least for the next 10 weeks, we are already home, and can enjoy all this every day.
Since the last post we have visited the towns of Perham, Frazee, Mahnomen, and Pelican Rapids in Minnesota, Fargo and West Fargo in North Dakota. Each town has its’ own special identity, (like the world’s largest pelican in Pelican Rapids) but the common theme for all is the up-north, by-the-lake, kick back, relax and enjoy atmosphere that is everywhere. There is the feeling that everyone is here to veg-out, get some sun, maybe do a little fishing or just cruise the lake. All done with a sense of genuine friendliness rarely seen in the big city. Very refreshing.

Disappearing Sun on Strawberry Lake

Fishing has been pretty good. Tom has been out more than Mary and we now have a freezer full of sunfish and bass. Mary did catch the biggest one so far, an 18″ northern pike. Being truthful though, we really just enjoy going out in the boat where it is quiet, away from cellphones, TV, and just soaking up some sun.

Golf hasn’t been on the front burner lately, somewhat due to the sometimes windy, sometimes rainy weather but there is so much else we try to see and do that it hasn’t been a priority. Tomorrow (July 5th) is our anniversary and we might get out for a round. There is also a possibility we might go to St. Cloud for the day. We’ll keep you posted.